I have to say, I am very happy to be seeing more patients again and doing what I love to do. I've missed connecting with people and the passion I have for surgery and teaching.
Today, I had a patient who is in her 70's, tell me that she was so afraid to do anything. I could tell that she was really concerned and truly afraid that if she interacted with people, she would get sick. I explained that she had to only worry about herself and not worry about others or what they do. She should decide what she is comfortable with and realize that she should be more careful than younger people.
I hope I reassured her. It's true that COVID 19 is here to stay, and it's true that we don't have all of the answers regarding this new virus. However, we are learning more every day. Below, I've shared a great post from a cardiologist in Madison named James Stein. I think it is balanced, common sense recommendations to help understand and keep yourself safe. Although this is opinion, it is sound advice and easy to follow.
Remember, we are meant to be social and meant to interact. We are meant to communicate and be with each other.
Taken from Dr Stein's post: